Team Work
The ALLTON team joins the expert knowledge of engineers, craftspeople, therapists, pedagogues and artists. The result we manufacture sophisticated instruments made by craftspeople from high-quality materials that are durable, multifunctional and suitable for everyday use. g high-quality and durable products that will give you pleasure for a long time to come.
Music and sound as a source of strength for health and joy of living — this motto keeps us moving forward since ALLTON was founded in 1988 by Caspar Harbeke and Silke Hausser to develop our products, to design and equip rooms, to create sound sculptures and other works of art, to convey knowledge about the effects of music/sound and to create spaces for relaxation and regeneration at cultural events and exhibitions.
A healthy company
We place a strong emphasis on team spirit and team culture. Apart from the breaks, which we spend together every day, once a week the boss cooks for everyone and there are 30 minutes of (back) gymnastics. If the summer temperatures allow it, the breaks also take place outside on the terrace or we go to the nearby bathing lake for refreshment during the lunch break.
In 2013, we took part in the “Healthy Companies” competition and came in 2nd place. For this purpose, jobs were analysed in advance – irrespective of the competition – and measures were taken:
HR measures
Lighting conditions: Assessment by experts and implementation of the results, e.g. full spectrum daylight, working outdoors in sunshine more often (e.g. work meetings, taking a short swim during lunch break)
Movement: weekly back exercises every Thursday, standing workstation, dynamic seating,
Stress compensation: If something has to be finished quickly, everyone helps out, the team supports and helps each other, the management provides support for private problems and the Klangwoge is available for short breaks.