Music in caregiving
The power of music and the effect of sound can be used to raise awareness and interest in the daily experience, to gain trust and contact, to relieve tension and pain, to promote well-being, to enable an experience of community and self-controlled personal activity.
Allton have developed a range of instruments and furniture that are built in our own manufactory in Bad Zwesten, Germany. We offer instruments for “making music” and for “feeling music”. Our team benefits from 30 years of experience of engineers, craftspeople, therapists and designers.
The result are sophisticated instruments, made from high-quality materials, durable, multifunctional and suitable for everyday use. See also the PDF document „Musik in der Pflege“ (“music in caregiving”, currently only in german).
Ergonomical and fit for everyday use
For both areas of making music and sensing music we offer a variety of specialised instruments that were developed by our skilled team of experts.
Often the feeling of vibration on the skin helps to calm down. Sound furniture like our sound rocking chairs (Klangschaukelstühle) and our “Klangwoge” are also suitable for people who cannot move so well. The possibility for swaying and musical vibration can give reviving impulses. Fear and pain relief can offen happen through the physically and mentally relaxing experience on a piece of sound furniture or with instruments that can be sensorically experienced like singing bowls, body monochord, etc.
For active music making we offer a range of instruments/sets to play in a group, instruments that can be learned autodidactically, multi-sensoric small instruments for small groups or single persons. Our sound objects for indoor or outdoor use motivate to explore these areas.
Seminars and workshops
You are looking for a seminar for care givers? We are member and supporter of the association “Wir sind Altenpflege e.V.” that offers a variety of certified workshop about “music in care giving”, e.g. a beginner’s Workhop for musical lay persons (song accompanyment on xylophones and rhythm instruments), drum circle or feeling sound with singing bowls, string instruments and sound furniture.
You are welcome to request further information or to invite us to present our instruments in the context of a short seminar. If you want to stay informed about the newest experiences, please send us an email with the subject “newsletter care giving” and look forward to our current reports.
Zusters (Klangwoge)
Tagespflege Essen (Klangwoge + Klangschaukelsitz)
Wir sind Altenpflege